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Witcher 3 Sales Rise By More Than 500% In Wake Of TV Show

The TV show also helped book sales rise by more than 500 percent.


The Witcher TV show on Netflix has proven to be incredibly popular for the streaming network, but it's not just Netflix that's benefiting from it. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt saw its biggest day ever on Steam following the release of the show, and now it's confirmed that sales of the game in the US jumped by more than 500 percent after the show debuted.

Sales of physical copies of The Witcher 3 in December 2019 rose by 554 percent compared to December 2018, according to NPD. It was expected that sales would increase in 2019, regardless of the show, because The Witcher 3 came to Switch in October. However, even excluding Switch, sales of The Witcher 3 in December 2019 rose by 63 percent, according to NPD.

Also of note is that these numbers are for physical game sales only.

Physical sales of the Witcher books also increased, rising 562 percent in the two weeks following the release of the TV show. You can check out NPD's full blog post to see a breakdown of The Witcher TV show's impact on the wider brand in 2019.

The Witcher TV show is based on Andrzej Sapkowski's novel series, which CD Projekt Red also adapted for its video game franchise. The TV show is returning for a second season in 2021, and showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich has promised it will be more "linear" following the reception to Season 1's meandering timelines.

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