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Wizardry 8 coming this fall

The next installment in Sir-Tech's long-running role-playing game series will arrive in stores later this year.


GameSpot spoke with Sir-Tech Canada's Ian Currie today about reports of the company closing and what that would mean to its upcoming role-playing game, Wizardry 8. According to Currie, Sir-Tech Canada continues to exist as a company to support the upcoming game, which will be released this fall by an unannounced publisher.

Wizardry 8 is the latest installment in the venerable Wizardry role-playing game series, which first appeared in the mid-'80s. In the game, players guide a small party of characters through a 3D fantasy world in an effort to retrieve a powerful artifact from the clutches of The Dark Savant, an evil character who has also appeared in previous Wizardry games. For more information, take a look at our in-depth preview of the game.

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