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Wizard's Tower add-on available for Oblivion

Third downloadable content pack now available for Xbox 360 and PC; expansion includes a new location packed with mage-friendly tools.


Hearty Oblivion adventurers who have canvassed every nook and spelunked every cranny in all of Cyrodiil can download a little more to explore today. The official Oblivion downloads site is reporting that The Wizard's Tower downloadable content pack is now available for the Xbox 360 and PC.

The tower, actually known as Frostcrag Spire within the game, is the solitary home of a powerful mage looking to entrust it to the player's presumably capable hands. It features everything a would-be warlock could ask for: altars for summoning familiars and creating spells and enchanted items, a garden full of more than 100 ingredients for use in creating potions, teleporters to every mage's guild in the land, and a bed to sleep in when it's time to level up. For nonmages, the Spire offers "a breathtaking view of Cyrodiil from the highest point in the land."

The download is available on the PC for $1.89, or through Xbox Live Marketplace for 150 Marketplace points ($1.88). Previously released add-ons include The Orrery and the Horse Armor Pack.

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