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Women's Sports Finally Hit a New Low

Our full review of Konami's all-girl wrestling game Rumble Roses is hot off the presses. Honestly, I hesitate to even make this entry, but I feel it necessary, since technically, it IS a wrestling game; although only in the most technical sense. This game is more like a silly anime fighting game...


Our full review of Konami's all-girl wrestling game Rumble Roses is hot off the presses. Honestly, I hesitate to even make this entry, but I feel it necessary, since technically, it IS a wrestling game; although only in the most technical sense. This game is more like a silly anime fighting game that just happens to use a form of the SmackDown! engine, yet, I know plenty of wrestling fans are going to see the combination of grappling and boobs, and squeal with glee. Please, read the review before you even think about picking this up. You'll save lives.

This game also has me thinking about the state of women's sports, and their role in games. Obviously, there really aren't any women-only sports games--save for occasional T&A fests like Rumble Roses. But nothing of any serious worth. No WNBA games, no women's soccer titles, nothing. The closest you really get is the female half of a game like Top Spin. Then again, most women's sports simply aren't as popular as men's sports. I guess the WNBA would be the closest thing to popular women's sport at this point, but even that barely gets any spotlight. Why is this? Is it because we're a male dominated society, where only the most testosterone fueled sports get any chance of survival? Or is it that most women's sports (geez, I know I'm going to anger someone with this statement) just aren't very entertaining? I mean, have you ever actually tried to WATCH a WNBA game? It's kind of like a cross between watching boring paint dry and getting lightly punched in the head over and over again for three hours straight.

One day, I think there will be a market for women's sports in gaming that doesn't involve gyrating, bikini clad nymphomaniacss, but it may be a while. In the meantime, maybe the WNBA should think about going the Rumble Roses route with their license.'s a horrible idea.

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