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WWE Tie-In Items Announced For Rocket League

Start the John Cena music.


Rocket League has received numerous tie-ins with other entertainment over the past couple of years, and recently developer Psyonix announced the newest crossover. WWE-themed items are coming to the game this spring.

Psyonix announced today that it's extended its partnership with WWE for 2018. As a part of this, Psyonix will be adding WWE items to the game, so players can expect customization options like wrestling-themed decals, flags, and possibly cars. The developer hasn't provided specific details yet, however; in a blog post, it stated that it'll reveal the items in April.

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On the wrestling side, meanwhile, viewers will see more Rocket League-related sponsorships and content. The studio stated that the game will frequently be played on the WWE's gaming channel on YouTube, and there'll be a Rocket League booth at WrestleMania 34 taking place in April.

This isn't the only cross-media tie-in in the works, either. Psyonix also recently announced a DC Comics DLC pack that adds two Batmobiles and a bunch of other superhero-themed cosmetics. It'll launch next Monday, March 5, and will cost $4.

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