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You Won't Need To Bid Adieu To Destiny 2's Dares Of Eternity And 30th Anniversary Content In 2022

Dares of Eternity and the Bungie 30th Anniversary activities will remain in Year 5 of Destiny 2.


After weeks of holidays, Bungie has released another This Week At Bungie news post. Although there wasn't any information following up on the bewildering trailer of Savathun's Throne World from a few days ago, Bungie answered an important question about current content.

Bungie said that activities from the Bungie 30th Anniversary event will not enter the Destiny Content Vault when The Witch Queen releases. In fact, it mentioned that the activities will remain in-game through 2022. It also explained that this applies to both free and paid content. The free magical horse-neighing, six-player activity Dares of Eternity rewards players with Treasure Keys to grab additional loot at Xur's Treasure Hoard. The Grasp of Avarice dungeon, the Exotic rocket launcher Gjallarhorn quest, and the Exotic sidearm Forerunner quest are part of the paid Bungie 30th Anniversary DLC.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Savathûn's Throne World

Since those activities won't be going anywhere in Year 5 of Destiny 2, that means that the Bungie 30th Anniversary Seal, Vidmaster, will still be attainable. Don't confuse this with the MMXXI Triumphs Seal because Moments of Triumph 2021 ends when The Witch Queen launches on February 22.

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