This game is a very good RPG it could have been done better tho the anime graphics work very well very good for fan's

User Rating: 7 | Avatar: The Last Airbender PS2
This game all in all is good thou out but could have been improved in some places tho but if ur a fan of the Avatar series then u will love this game the anime style Graphics work very well there's about 10 to 12 hours of game depending on how long u wont to spend playing it for so u will get a lot out of this game when you play the game you just start as Aang, and your bending isn't developed so you just keep hitting people with X button to attack with ur air bending but then when you get more in to the game u will get more people you can customize your bending. It takes awhile to use all of them cause you can only use four at a time but u get use to in after a wile u can customize ur bending the main people banding style's .