avatar may holds a great inlfuence of a nice RPG but players will also discover better more than just a childs ga

User Rating: 7.7 | Avatar: The Last Airbender XBOX
Avatar may not be one of the best RPG like the so called "WOW" but players will find something more than just a simple childs game while one of the best part of the game is that charecters like aang,katara and ect are from real voices and while levels are not many cause basicly...
it can be finished within 4 to 5 hours of non stop gameplay while players will also experienced some glith in the game its quite often they will experience it
while the tagline says "Master the Four elements" well no you wont master all of them casue as you can see the only element you cant control fire because aang can only bend air in the game and also even if aang cant bend water,earth nor fire well zuko wont even join the team since the situation was like that while towns and city also fell very lifely as people will talk and walk which is similar to Fable
the fun part is finding tresure but its just to hard to find treasure while player and me aswell soon realise that there isnt a 2 player sequence like x-men legends soon players would start to fell "Oh great ive just wasted $60 only to realise that there isnt a two player mode"
Boos fights are nice as they are chellenging yet also fun and it takes a few tries to win them if your not cheating
armors and nice and challenging to choose and buy and also hard to decided to see who gets which armor

environments anre extremely nice and well detaied especially in omashu i mean you could see buildings below when your at the top of omashu and charecters are well detailed but the most nicely detaild id Soka and charecter movements during the cutscene are quite realistic

while my coisin one seem to have a small glitch with the sounds system sometimes in the game where the sound effect will appear 10 to 12 seconds after the speaking nor the hit of someone or something
overall the noise dont really sounds nice for some moves like the tornado

Avatar is one of or my favorite show the game is not the best of them all but one of the best for kids and the game works both best in WII and Xbox
as both have more detaile
but nor really the PS2
still i dont mean the PS2 sucks or anything
it just dosent work great on it
but still simple in nature its still a descent game