nice game, but there are some hidden faults that aren't mentioned in the video review.

User Rating: 7 | Bastion X360
i'll get straight to the point.
the loading times are too long. it takes the vibe away when you want to continue with the story, but then you have to wait through an annoyingly long load time.

the narrator seems way to dark until further in the game. in the beginning it all seems like a happy world and the grizzly narrator doesn't fit in. it isn't until after you see the darker side of the game, the voice starts making sense.

customization is less than it's told to be by the video review. they talk about how potions can add to customization. well that's just a load of crap. they're just potions!

also a minor complaint and a tip for people who're going to play this game:
don't pick up a weapon in the game until you've equipped the same type of weapon on yourself. if you pick up a rocket launcher while holding your melee weapon, you'll lose your melee weapon (lose as in you have to select it after you beat the level again).