An amazing game. The art style, story and narrator commentary all add to this masterpiece. Great experience.

User Rating: 8.5 | Bastion X360
The moment i saw the trailers, artwork and news about Bastion i was set from the get go about buying this day one - and i did.

The game is just what any RPG lover could want for a small Xbox Live Arcade Game.

*Beware of Spoilers now! - Not story related though*

When you first load up the game, you aren't offered a variety of customisation with your character, but as you progress along the story you find new weapons in which you can use and upgrade as you please.

Along with the story progression there are also other things you can do within the game. All of these add to the Bastion experience. After you complete the fourth area and retrieve the core, you can build a Memorial. This building offers you "Vigils" or challenges to complete along the way. The vigils vary from weapons, killing, collecting or just building, but each one has a mighty reward that will help you in the future. There are 23 in total once you upgrade the Memorial and acquire all 11 weapons.

There are also 3 arena type zones called Who Knows Where. These are unlocked through memento's or story progression, and they pit you against 20 waves of foes progressing harder each wave, but you will also be given a hefty reward every couple waves too for your hard work.

Finally there are the Proving Grounds, these are also challenges but in the form of areas. Each Proving Ground is set to a specific weapon and you must complete it by doing the said task, and you will then be given 1st, 2nd or 3rd prizes for how well you did, but don't worry you can retry them.

Finally after you have completed the story, there is a New Game Plus option which let's you carry over your upgrades weapons and currency into a fresh new game.

Overall Bastion is a superb arcade game for RPG lovers, and i really hope a sequel is released or even DLC for this one. Anyone and Everyone should download this, even if the 1200 MSP does seem a little steep :)