So damn good

User Rating: 10 | Batman: Arkham Knight PS4


- the fighting system is so much fun. Weaving around the fight parrying, dodging and kicking ass never felt so good. There were many different kinds of enemies that required you to use different tactics too, which gave the combat a lot of variety.

- the city has incredible atmosphere. Exactly what Gotham city should be

- the characters and voice acting is done amazingly. Does justice to all the classic characters

- joker in the role for Batman's psyche is really interesting. His presence as a comic relief was a very good idea.

- the gadgets and abilities added depth to the combat - the stealth was a lot of fun.

- i like how the riddler puzzles were integrated into the regular missions and the hub world, so for puzzle lovers, they can take a moment to try and solve the puzzle instead of going on a tangent to do it.


- nothing