A Great Team Based Shooter

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 1 (Early Enlister Deluxe Edition) XONE
Full disclosure, I used to be a huge fan of the Call of Duty franchise. I loved the early Duty games, but the futuristic direction the games have gone in is just not for me. Like many of you, I saw the reveal of a World War 1 based Battlefield and was excited to play it. I wasn't disappointed. The campaign may be short, but it's very memorable and it has a great variety in terms of styles of missions. The cut scenes set up the missions/story well, and they aren't too long where you're bored waiting for the action to begin. The gameplay is simplistic, but not to a fault. You know what needs to be done, and it's genuinely fun working your way through each mission. The multiplayer is the focal point of the game. You have some of the basic game modes, like Team Deathmatch and Domination, but there are unique game modes like Operations and War Pigeons. I highly recommend Operations if you have the time to sit down and work your way through one. They are very time consuming, but really satisfying as you advance through the massive maps with 60 players involved. This isn't your run of the mill lone wolf style shooter. It helps a ton if you play with other people in your squad, especially if you're using headsets. Coordinating the type of class each teammate uses is crucial. Assault troops take out vehicles and clear out tight spaces. Medics allow teammates to keep battling as you heal them or even revive them once they go down. Support troops can disperse extra ammo to their squad and clear out opposing squads on the map with a limited ammo mortar. Scouts are a sniper class that can reveal enemy locations while picking off trips trying to lock down check points. This game is absolutely a must buy for anyone who is even a casual fan of shooters. The maps are massive. The guns are simplistic, yet satisfying to master, and the variety of vehicles create a unique element that other shooters lack. Battlefield may have taken a step back in terms of history, but in doing so they have taken a huge step forward for the shooter genre.