A surprisingly excellent World War 1 shooter.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 1 XONE

I'll be the first to admit that I hadn't played a "Battlefield" game prior to this one. Sure, some of them looked cool, but for the most part, I never had a huge amount of interest in the series. Recently, however, after hearing way too many positive things about "Battlefield 1," morbid curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to give it a shot. As it turned out, I ended up really enjoying myself!

Taking things to World War 1 was a welcome reprieve from all the "futuristic" shooters in 2016, and fortunately, "Battlefield 1" sticks the landing! It's a surprisingly cinematic shooter: the game's single player "War Stories" campaign will have you doing a good amount of watching alongside your playing, but admittedly, I did find the game's characters to be rather compelling and interesting, and the stories to be rather emotional. The fast-paced gunplay is also amazing, the visuals are top notch, and I find the return to World War 1 compelling in the aspect that it takes things back a technological notch: no longer are you spoiled with the greatest weapons of all time with crazy attachments, instead you have to work within the constraints of what was available at the time. It's an interesting idea that's executed very well, and it adds a layer of realism to the game.

It's not quite a "perfect" game for me: I wish that the campaign was just a little bit longer (especially in regards to gameplay, since I mentioned that you do quite a bit of watching), and I do think some of the vehicle sections feel a little bit uninspired, but otherwise, "Battlefield 1" is a successful World War 1 shooter, and one I definitely highly recommend.

Final rating: 9 out of 10 "Awesome"