The second boosterpack for Battlefield 2. The question remains, are boosterpacks like these worth the 10 bucks?

User Rating: 8.4 | Battlefield 2: Armored Fury PC
The second boosterpack for Battlefield 2 offers much of the same as the first boosterpack Euro Force: three new maps and some new vehicles. Euro Force also added a new army and some new weapons in the mix where Armored Fury does not add any army or weapons. Is that enough to charge ten bucks?

The main difference with Euro Force is that this boosterpack adds some vehicles that change certain balance issues with the normal game, for instance the planes. There are no normal fighters and bombers like you're used to from the normal game, instead you'll find the A-10 warthog and its MEC and PLA counterparts. These planes are slower and don't have the afterburner. This makes them a lot more fragile against (mobile) anti air. They do have a bit more armor, but that practically means they can withstand one more stinger missile. What does this mean for pilots? If they don't take out the anti air troops first or get their team mates to do it they're dead. In other words it will be more of a challenge for pilots now that the ground troops pose a bigger threat. Add to that the fact that planes don't come with anti air missiles themselves anymore and you will have a lot more challenging dogfights with the machineguns on the planes. As a regular pilot I'm really looking forward to more challenging fights while flying.

Another new kind of vehicle is the smaller recon chopper like the US little bird (The MEC and PLA side have their own counterparts as well). The choppers are a lot more agile and pack a machine gun on the pilot seat together with its own little constant UAV. These can be strategically used in battle to help your team greatly and the choppers firepower through the machinegun is great against infantry and also other choppers. An attack chopper without a gunner will have a hard time fighting a more agile recon chopper.

Now on to the maps. First map is Operation Road Rage. This map is based around a big chunk of highway where MEC and US forces have to duke it out with armor, choppers and the tank killer planes like the A-10. Both sides have an even chance and the vehicles do seem balanced unlike certain fighter jets from the original game. The good thing here is ofcourse the scenery, but also the fact that both sides start out with the same amount of flags symmetrically placed. Both teams have the same changes and no team has the upper hand at the start.

The next map is Operation Harvest. This map is largely focused on armor and chopper battles. The MEC side will have to defend all the flags while the US starts out with two uncapable bases. The scenery looks terrific with the farmland and the dark clouds gathering in the north. To make the upcoming storm more real you'll see lightning flashes in the north and even hear the loud drums of nature roll after those flashes. Choppers from both sides will have to be careful for mobile anti air vehicles and stationary anti air as the ground is flat with only trees and farms to cover their tails. The MEC side has to be extra careful not to lose their main spawnpoint where their choppers spawn to not lose their air support completely.

The last map is Midnight Sun. In this map PLA forces fight against the US in Alaskan terrain based around a river running through the mountains. So the road will go up and down a lot travelling from one flag to another. Both teams have one plane, one attack chopper and one recon chopper, while the multiple flags offer plenty of ground vehicles (And yes, even a blue Mustang *wink wink*). This map also has great balance and resembles Fushe Pass a bit. Just a darker version, although not as dark as the special forces night maps. The big difference with Fushe Pass is that the terrain is faster to travel as the roads are a bit more straight to the point, which keeps the pace of the action for the ground troops on a high level. Dice also tried to help the atmosphere again by adding some nice night sounds which you could expect in such a terrain; insect, birds and even wolves howling in the background.

So again, is it worth the 10 dollars? As I also said with Euro Force, don't expect an expansion, just expect more of the same. Although Dice did manage to add to the experience by taking some of the balance complains away through the addition of the new choppers and planes and keeping the original planes away. Expect more of the arcade game style of Battlefield mixed with a change in scenery, don't expect any pure infantry fights, it's just not that kind of game.

Is it better then Euro Force? In my opinion it is. The maps seem better balanced and the new air support might be more pleasing to the wintered BF2 player. Will it still be played in a month? I think it will with the theme being fighting on American soil. Of course the more casual gamer might have enough with the original maps, but those still fighting for every badge, ribbon and medal might find a nice addition in this boosterpack.

Carry on soldier!