This set the standard for all other Modern First Person Shooters. Massive maps, lots of vehicles and awesome weaponry.

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 2 PC
Battlefield 2 was the start of a new type of Battlefield, Battlefield 1942 had vehicles and big maps in it as well, but it was limited by it's poor team communication. Battlefield 2 changes all that by immersing the player in a large variety of environments with an improved communication system. This makes it easier for team work and quick decisions to be made on the fly.
Battlefield 1942 had lots of big maps. Well, Battlefield 2 has less maps (About half the amount of Battlefield 1942). But they aren't big, they're massive. It would take forever to walk from one side of the map to the other, that's why vehicles have been placed in the game. Battlefield 1942 already had vehicles but these vehicles make better sounds and blow up more stuff. There are more vehicles and Fighter Jets have been added to the game and they dominate the sky by keeping ground forces that are capturing outposts from being bombed by other Jets. Tanks own the land and destroy anything or anyone in it's path, LAV's are a quick way of transporting troops under protection from the LAV's armor. Humvee's quickly navigate the roads and my favourite, The Buggy. The Buggy is an off road vehicle that ges extremely fast and can go right by a tank without being shot because it's too fast. It also has .30 cal and .50 cal MG's mounted on it.
The graphics are good even in 2011 they are acceptable because EA DICE has been known for it's outstanding visuals.
The thing that's not very good about Battlefield is the frustration of taking a long time to get somewhere, then getting killed very easily, but it's satisfying killing someone and knowing that you just did the same to him. There is no Single Player Campaign, it has Single Player maps you can play but they are limited to 16 Bots.

Overall Battlefield 2 clocks in as a superb multiplayer game that hundereds to thousands of people still play online. So you still get a good experience from it, download all the patches and unlock more maps and features for you to enjoy. I got this game $20 EA Value Games (New Zealand Dollars | Maybe 10-15 US) and get the whole package. I would recommend this purchase.

9/10 ;)