A solid mutliplayer experience, but single player may dissapoint some.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Battlefield Bad Company is the second Battlefield game to come to consoles. This game focuses on single player, but still has an awesome multi player.

The single player is about 8 hours long. It tell the story of a soldier named Preston Marlow, a soldier thrown into Bad Company, which is a squad for people that should be going into jail. You have three other people in your squad, Redfield, Sweet Water, and Haggard. these soldier have their own personality and add a lot to the story. The story starts out, that you are invading Russia, and you and your squad are thrown right into the fight. On the first mission, you squad finds a piece of gold on a dead mercenary. Then you go out searching for the rest of the gold.

The game play is pretty much the same as most first person shooters, except that you can blow stuff up. The environments are about 90% destructible. You can blow up house. trees, walls, etc. The only thing the remains of a house when you blow in up are the frame, and the stairs. So you can not blow those up. Destruction adds a lot to the game play. The enemy A.I. is not that smart. they will shoot at you, but sometimes they will just stand there and shoot, and if you can dodge their shoots, then you can just run up and knife them.

The respond system in Battlefield Bad Company is also not that good. it feels a lot like Bioshock. When you die, you respond a little ways from where you died.

The graphics in Battlefield Bad Company look good, though some of the textures look jagged, and everything looks grainy. But the beautiful explosions and the destructible environments make up for graphics problems.

The sound in Bad Company is amazing. You will want to play it with surround sound. The explosions sound nice, everything sound real.

The main reason why you want to buy Bad Company is for the multi player. The multi player is a little different though this time around. Instead of having multi player like the original Battlefield where you have to capture control points, the multi player feels more like Enemy Territory Quake Wars, were you have objectives, and you are constantly moving up on the map. But in Bad Company, the objectives are the same, unlike Quake Wars. You basic have to destroy two gold crates at each base, while the other team defends them. There are about 4 bases per map. But the multi player is awesome, and it will keep you entertained for a long time. Now, DICE did promise to release the original Battlefield mode in a free download, which will be awesome, but this new multi player mode is also really awesome, and the maps are fun to play on. You can even blow thing up in the multi player.

With that said, Battlefield Bad Company is one of the best multi player games to come out this year.