Bad Company has its flaws but its a great gaming experience non the less :-)

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
Since I just received a ps3, I decided to buy a few games, Bad company was one of them, and it was a great decesion. Now I've played Bad Company 2, but never the first, so it was a great experience to play the first version of the frostbite gaming engine.
First off the game sounds great, the whoosh of an rpg missle flying bye gives you a crazy rush during battle. Gun fire, explosions and character voices all sound great! Multiplayer is fun and the story is great, but I felt that the story ended a bit too quickly for me, but thats just because I was enjoying it so much. Controls are smooth and accurate, and of course the best thing is the destructive enviroment. When you can't get the guy with the m16 in the 3rd floor window, switch your weapon to grenade launcher and blow up the window, its thats simple. Or when you see a group of soldiers advancing, shoot up the gas tank or ammunition boxes nearby and watch them fly!! The sound and destructibility of the enviroment are the main strong points of the game.
The missions are very engaging and never dull, walk up terrain or jump in a armored truck, jeep or tank to travel to your next location, sometimes even by speed boat and chopper. Your allies will give you a good amount of help, especially when in a speed boat and jeep, cause they'll man the guns and help you travel safely to your next checkpoint. Intense gun fights, they'll occasionally take out a big turret and a tank or two, but yeah, your carrying the load most part but your squad mates do enough for you to know that they are there during battle.
Enemy AI, is one of the few weak points of this game. Sometimes they wait in the wide open to be gunned down, or have delayed reactions when seeing you. And other times other enemy soldiers can't take cover properly. Sometimes deaths seem really cheap and annoying especially when you have a chopper raining down missles and gun fire and certain misssions against tanks. Graphics are good but I've played part 2 so definetly not better but not horribly bad at all, the game looks great. other little details doesn't make the game perfect but it gets a 9 from me, if you never played this game, go get it NOW!!