You're in Bad Company now, and that's a good thing.

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
Bad Company is a great game, creators of Battlefield -- DICE -- make a game to test their Frostbite graphics engine and it's one of those few graphics-engine testing games that actually rocks.

Presentation: You play a new guy in the military. You join a squad, and now you have to kill Russians and blow stuff up. Sounds like a great time, except for the Russian killing, they're actually really cool people.

Gameplay: Like a standard FPS, perhaps the most realistic Teen rated FPS except for Battlefield 1943. Though you tend to feel like your enemies are made of glass and you can take more hits than a sandbag.

Sound: The voice acting is amazing and hilarious. The explosions sound terrific, gunshots are top-notch and the music is awesome. Basically; the sound is great and with awesome quality, get a good stereo-system.

Lasting Appeal: No one plays online anymore with so many more Battlefield games out there that are better but it's at least got collectibles and trophies for you to... well... collect.