Battlefield: Bad Company

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company PS3
The Good:

- Single player has huge maps and has hundreds of choices - Wide array of vehicles - Hilarious characters - Fun to blow stuff up

The Bad:

- Multiplayer 'average'

Many people look over this game now, but just because it's old, it doesn't mean it's not an amazing game.

The campaign, for me was the best I've played on a battlefield game. Mainly because it was open world type, you could put off objectives and hunt for collectables and gold. Also you could just collect a vehicle and explore.
The characters were: HILARIOUS. I'm happy this game see's the importance of that.
Also this game is unique, you can blow stuff up! And not just by shooting cans, but with grenades and grenade launchers.
Also you got to use vehicles, and use them at your will. Except in mission 5 where you NEED the helicopter.

The multiplayer stops this game from getting a 9 or above.
It was fun, but not as fun as lots of other games. It was a bit predictable and that spoilt it a bit.
They were lots of unlocks and ranks but apart from that there's not much else I used the multiplayer for.

Overall this is an amazing game, even if it's old.