Compared to the DS-Lite Version...

User Rating: 7 | Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree WII
it's ok. The DS-Lite version seems better or is it just me? I found the game play was not as long and the puzzles although different sort of boring and way too easy. I know it sounds like bashing but I do like this game and I love the group play and making every one in my house feel like chumps, just kidding. It seems as though the puzzles are on the 4th grade level but at times can be a tad challenging. I like this game because it requires you to think quickly and it incorporates your Mii in the game play. They changed the music and I miss the little "meow, meow" in between the songs :) Overall it is worth the buy and I admire Nintendo for making us smarter and more physicially all by playing video games.