Let's play Nintendo. Hardcore gamers should buy a 360 you won't get your fix here ...

User Rating: 8.5 | Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree WII
Let me start by saying Big Brain Academy is an awesome franchise. Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree is a solid sequel BBA for DS. There are fifteen brand new mini-games and a new section for quizzing yourself and playing with others. The visuals are clean and the sound is (cutesy) appropriate for the game. While it is true that this game is designed to play in small doses, the time spent playing is fun and challenging. The challenge comes from the mini-games themselves. Most of the game you will be pointing and clicking except for a mini-game where you are required to hold the Wii-mote to your ear like a phone and memorize food orders being requested via the Wii-mote speaker. The Wii-mote speaker generally has the voice a personal coach egging you on through out the game. Speed is the name of the game when it comes to scoring high in BBA: Wii Degree. To score high and outrank your Wii friends you'll have to do the mini-games with controlled speed. There is a feature in the mini-games that allows you to press A to speed up the mini-game which is neat. In no time you'll master the mini-games and have the (heaviest) brain in town, at that point you can increase the level of difficulty to normal or hard then it'll be a whole different story. This is a game the whole family can get into. I think that is what makes Big Brain a special franchise. While BBA is on the TV set no one is isolated and anyone can grab the Wii-mote and take 1st Rank, providing one can think. This is definitely a cool way to "play Nintendo".