Great Ambitious Multiplayer Game

User Rating: 8 | Blacklight: Tango Down X360
I have been playing the game for a few days and I have to say that it is what I have been waiting for. It is a simple game that is easy to catch on to and it is fun to upgrade weapons. There are not many weapons but you can switch grenades and armor and also have different camouflage which is a great addition. There are also a lot of game modes. The only bad part about this game is the health because it is very easy to die if you are not alert all the time and on occasion the game tends to spawn you in the same place which could be bad or good. The game also features black ops which i have only tried once and it includes different missions that you can play from the start. You can play this mode online or by yourself. You can also change the difficulty if you want more of a challenge. Overall it is a great game for 15 bucks and whoever is looking for a good time for a few months should get this game.