Catching stuff on a ship just doesn't work for a shooter like this.

User Rating: 4 | Blast Works: Build, Fuse & Destroy WII
Conceptually this game interested me. I expected something along the lines of a short single player shooter, and after a little while plenty of online levels to play around with. At 20$, it didn't seem like much of a risk, but after a few hours of play I have to say it wasn't money well spent.
Anyone who, like me, played old arcade style shooters knows that the main focus of play is dodging the bullets, and learning the crazy waves of bullets for the boss at the end of each level so you can destroy a ship much bigger and more powerful than you without a scratch. You won't be doing that in this game. You'll spend most of your time flying around at the front of the screen invulnerable picking up even more debris for your ridiculous sky fortress.
Don't get me wrong, the idea is novel and it would actually be pretty cool as an option, but as far as I can tell it isn't optional. I don't know why the designers of this game thought a side scrolling shooter with a ship and level editor wasn't enough, but they did. And thanks to the lack of foresight for a "regular shooter" option what could have been a great game will remain untouched at the back of my cabinet for years to come.