Very Hard To Bad It Wazint Easyer.

User Rating: 5 | Blast Works: Build, Fuse & Destroy WII
Ok i Have to give it to the makers the ability to make ur own shooter is pretty cool but this game isint worth no more than 15 bucks to me.Oh and because i only paid 18.99 and i waz thinking it waz good noooooooooooot.Oh and wat really makes me mad is that EB Games (or Gamespot) wen u go and trade it in u get CRAP money for the game u bought ok like in EB it costs 49.99 bucks and then i go to trade it in and they said they will give me 7.99 for it and im like: i hate u.This game is not worth 49.99 not even 15.99 if ur gonna buy it from gamspot or eb for that much ur r a compleate idiot no offence but u r.i am thinking of selling it to a friend 4 th same price that i bought it 4.Its not that the game that makes me really mad its more just EB and gamespot sorry for getting mad but read revews before u buy stuff seriosly!