The names Fisher....Sam Fisher, want to know why? This game is clearly Splinter Cell Conviction starring 007....

User Rating: 6 | Blood Stone: 007 PS3
As mentioned earlier, this game is a blatant rip off of Splinter Cell Conviction, Focus Shots are a renamed version of Mark and Execute, the smart phone is a renamed version of the night vision goggles, there's one button for actions like in SC, you gain focus shots through melee like in....I dunno gee.....SPLINTER CELL??????...The gameplay is fun, don't get me wrong I actually liked it, but it's clearly a clone of Splinter Cell, which is why it gets the score it does. The driving and other vehicle sequences are ok, the story is ok, but often forgettable, the voice acting is great, but it can't redeem the problems in this game. So the bottom-line its a blatant rip off and it's Splinter Cell no matter how you look at it. Thus the final score of 6/10

Gameplay: 5/10
Story: 7/10
Final Score: 6/10