Please forgive Quantum of Solace, and look forward to Blood Stone.

User Rating: 8 | Blood Stone: 007 X360
Let's face it, Quantum of Solace was decent, at best, and kind of put the 007 series to shame; however, Blood Stone completely redeems the next generation series, and makes you look forward to the next. The game is pretty much a complete package, with a solid (But short) campaign, and multiplayer for those who want a little extra fun. The campaign is where this game shines though, and mixes in some great elements (Including driving) to make sure gamers don't fall to boredom. There are many games that try to integrate driving sequences into a shooter, but they usually fall flat and suck pretty bad. This isn't the case for Blood Stone, because the driving sequences in this game are so well made, and really add to the excitement. On the other hand, multiplayer isn't that great, and feels like it was just slapped on for production value. But at least they included a multiplayer mode, so kudos for that. All in all, Blood Stone is a well made game, and you can see that just by going through the campaign. If you can find this game for $25 or less, I'd recommend giving it a try. And for those who consider themselves "Hardcore" gamers, have fun with 007 difficulty.

Presentation: 8
This 007 has some kick, and presents itself well at a constant/exciting pace.

Graphics: 8
Blood Stone looks really good, especially during the car sequences.

Sound: 8
Voice acting is solid, Aston Martin sounds like an Aston Martin, and gunshots/explosions are pretty good as well.

Gameplay: 9
Bond has never been better! Shooting down enemies, surprise attacking, and executing a getaway in an Aston Martin has never been more fun!

Replay Value: 7
Campaign is the highlight of this show, and multiplayer is there for gamers who find joy out of it.