Blur is one of the most exciting and fun racing games that i have ever played online so far.

User Rating: 8 | Blur PS3
The only sad part is that by the looks of things Activision have just let the game run it's course in the past couple of months, multiplayer has gone all wrong, can't connect with friends getting kicked from rooms, it's really sad cause i honestly believe this has to be one of playstation 3's biggest online racers, i just can't understand why they can't just reset the servers once a week or so and update their online stats a little more,... maybe it's because gt5 is just around the corner but hey that game has been put back, Again i might add, and who is to know it's not gonna be put back once again, So come on Activision please for us fans for anyone that really enjoys an online racer such as Blur, Please bring out a patch or just tidy up the servers just a little while longer..
Thank You