boom blocks is a easy but engaging play...............

User Rating: 10 | Boom Blox WII
boom blocks is a easy but engaging play it combines childrens building with toys bombs etc it hs medacore multi player but the free style editor is ours of fun for those who love biulding and desinging things (or simpely blowing things to pieces) you can desine briges held together by tention or disign a cannon powerd by bomb blocks its a qiute fun endeavor trying to tune it for maximum damage ive made one that can destroy a wall that spans the whole screen and i desind to with stand heavy attacks it is five standard briks wide well now that ive bragged awhile i think ill end this with a nuuget of wisdom.................. dont pick your nose in public o k heres the wisdom when thinking fails....... either blast thru it with a bomb grenade etc......... or use a cheat code or simply ask a friend well this is ockward uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum im kinda outa stuff to say im gonna check lenth agin now