Brain Age. Does it help or hurt?

User Rating: 5.5 | Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! DS
Brain Age is a game that is well, not much of a game. It's supposed to help keep your brain sharp, by using tests like counting how many people are in the house, watching people go in and out, then writing how many are left. Stuff like that. It is repetitive, you come back each day to do your tests. A Brain Age Check gives the game its name. You do a series of random tests, and the game determines your age by how well you did. 20 is the best, I've never made it to the worst.
The game does let you make your own stamp, which you put on a calendar every day.
There is a quick play mode, so you can let your friends check it out, and see if they want to buy it or not.
There is a download play, which lets you compete against friends in training sessions, or give demos to their DS.
There is a sudoku puzzle mode on it, which adds to the "keeping the brain sharp" thing.
Brain Age is definitely a training game, not for entertainment.