Good graphics for a ds game, but it has a stupid single player which you can fly through it in seconds (mp is not good).

User Rating: 4 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
Brothers in Arms for the ds, why did I buy this game. That's what I think after going through all of it. Brothers in Arms may have good graphics for a ds game and have a good shooting experience, but its main flaw is its so called single player mode that doesn't have any plot to it. It's just like their no point to it other than just finding out how much guns and abilities you can get from it from playing it over and over again. The only thing that got me interested in the game is to shoot allot of Germans down and it's multiplayer that is not used by anybody I know and allot of people don't like it. This game is like the shortest one is my collection of ds games to beat in less than regular time required. The weapons in this game can be a little tricky to figure out, but once you get the hang of it you can be an ace of it very quick. The one vehicle flaw in this game is that an army car seems to be better that tank and somehow seems to be able to kill tanks faster, than another tank. I think that's only happening because my ds hanging on its last of it day's left alive.
The grenades are bad to use because you have to aim where you want them to go and sometimes it takes a very long time to do and you may get killed in the process. The sniper rifle is the best weapon in the game since you can fire from far away and that you can sometimes shoot faster with it than any other weapon given to you. If you drive a tank in this game it can be very hard only in the first couple of tank levels because some areas can make the tank get killed faster by people than other tanks.

Overall this game is properly the worst game I had ever played in a long time, but you may enjoy it only if your perfectionist.