Poor controls ruin what could have been one of the best games on DS

User Rating: 6 | Brothers In Arms DS DS
Since before i got my DS Brothers in arms was on my list of games to get. I had adored the xbox games that threw you through the gritty realism of WW2 however i failed to get this game until very recently which has only increased my disappointment.

The game itself is sound. The graphics are very good, there are lot's of audio clips from the Xbox versions that help make the combat more realistic, There's a good variety of weapons and vehicles available. So your probably wondering why i only gave this game a 6. The controls

The controls are the second worst thing to happen to the DS (after from Godzilla DS) For a start they just don't work, The stylus and touch screen are unresponsive meaning you can scrape your stylus across the touch screen several times (Probably doing terrible damage to the touch screen) simply to turn around and if your moving it takes twice as many. It's even worse with vehicles and the end result is you have to stop every time you want to turn, thus getting shot. If they had offered you the choice of using the stylus or the control pad (Like LOTR conquest) then this game could easily reach an 8 or 9 but as it is the controls horribly ruin what could have been one of the best games for the DS.