Creative and fun, but it's not all there.

User Rating: 7.5 | Brutal Legend X360
I love the idea of this game. The characters are great and the story is snappy with a lot of fun lines. Unfortunately the story gets a bit dull as you progress through the game. It also tends to get a bit repetative in the gameplay as you end up doing the same things at most of the side quests. I am not a big fan of the stage fights that you end up doing a lot in the game as every major battle is layed out like this. It was fun at first but then I just tired of this type of fighting. The graphics are good even though they are not the most magnificant ones to be found. The part with the guitar solos and the different kind of friends and foes you encounter through the game are fun and it feels like they have been given some thought. To conclude it can be said that it's a good game indeed, but it just wasn't all there for me.