this game is genius

User Rating: 8.5 | Brutal Legend X360
It's hard to define what type of game brutal legend is, you'll spend alot of time driving in your car(which gets guns) but its mixed in with 3rd person action but also has a parts where it's a realtime strategy game and it's also kind of an adventure game where you're alowed to explore the land and finish other quests until you want to proceed with the main storyline. The game isn't that long at 15-20 hours but is still really enjoyable due to the high production values.

There's just so many cool features in this game that I could fill a page writing about like using your guitar to call down electric bolts on your enemies, special attacks like summoning a zepplin to crash on your enemies, riding a mammoth.

graphics are kind of a comic appearance but it works really well and the environments are well rendered, it has a very cool weather effects sytem as well. It can change to anything from a
clear day to a total apocalypse with darkened lightning filled skies and raining meteors.

the script is just excellent as well, top notch voice acting, jack black really nails the role, was even suprised at ozzy's voice acting as well. It reallty is a humerous game. The soundtrack which is composed of 120 metal songs, ranging in everything from eariler metal like manowar, judas priest and ozzy to newer stuff like carcass and rob zombie. The game is worth it for the song list alone.

it's a real shame brutal legend 2 is not going to be developed. This truly is a unique well written game that didn't sell that well because it was different basically, until the general public want to play more than military themed FPS we are not going to see many more creative games like this. If you like metal you will totally appreciate all the references in this game to the metal culture.