The metal gods have spoken and they have finally made a metal game. Brutal Legend is created by Tim Shaffer.

User Rating: 7 | Brutal Legend X360
In this game you play as Eddie Riggs (voice actor Jack Black) and he thinks that he is born at the wrong time period. So when one of his band members are falling from a stage structure he goes up there and saves them but then the structure falls and he falls with it. But his belt has a magic power and takes him back to the past but everything is about metal music. So he gets a battle axe and a Guitar. Then he meets up with this one chick who she leads him to a group who wants to end all of this fighting.

The enviorement for this game is amazing if you are a metal head. (Like me) There are skull mountains, spiders, stone hedges, and you get the picture. The story all though for this game is not the best because later in the game you have to use RTS elements and they are not easy to control and gets really annoying when you have to keep trying again and again. So this game is a disappointment in a way and also the metal music you can only listen to it when you are in your car but the car radio is really soft so you can barely hear it. But there are a lot of famous metal musicians and comedians in this game like Ozzy and Lenny for example.

Overall this game is an okay game but one of the disappointing games of this year. And it is kinda overrated but it is a pretty okay game. They should have made the story better, not added in RTS elements, and made the world bigger then it would be a better game.

The good of the game it is about metal music. The enviroment is great. The music is really awesome. Famous people are in this game.

The bad of the game is the story gets boring. The RTS elements should never have been added in to the game. You can't even hear the metal music when you get the chance inside your car. The world is really small.

Graphics: 7.9
Gameplay: 8.6
Controls: 8,1

Overall: 7.0