This game has a great sound track and is fun to play while it last's and Jack Black is great as Eddie Riggs

User Rating: 8 | Brutal Legend X360
Brutal Legend

Publisher: EA Games
Developer: Double Fine Production's
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Mature
Released: October 13, 2009

The visuals for Brutal Legend was not bad and I kinda liked the cartoon art style for this game's visuals was a great look for this kind of game and even though this game's graphic's look good and ran pretty smoothly, but their were some minor frame rate issues in some part's of the game but again they were minor and did not happen to often and in fact they mainly happen when you drive in the deuce mobile and even when you are in some stage battle's their are some minor frame rate issue's but even then they are minor. The detail to the main character Eddie Riggs looked almost uncanny to Jack Black himself since he is the inspired vision of the main character and the detail to some of the main non-playable-character's look great as well, and the detail to the make believe environment was great with the art style for Brutal Legend. So in short the visual art style for this game was great and I was pretty impressed with it and it was simply beautiful.

Now the audio for Brutal Legend was simply spectacular from the sound track all the way to the great voice acting and in fact I don't know what I could say about the audio for this game. Well I'll start with the amazing sound track and the sound track consist's of amazing metal music from metal bands like Motor-head, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne and their was one or two songs from White Zombie/Rob Zombie and Monster Magnet and the music was all great and their were some songs I found a little annoying at time's but not to often a lot of great tunes in this game. Now the voice acting for Brutal Legend was great and in fact I almost felt for the character's at time's but not to much cause this a game and so Jack Black did a great job as the main Character Eddie Riggs and the supporting cast was great as well with Ozzy Osbourne doing the voice work of the keeper of metal which is basically a shop keeper and the rest of the supporting cast was just great. So in short the audio for Brutal Legend is an amazing sound track and great voice work and funny at time's with some of Jack's one liner's and the audio is simply great.


Single player:
The gameplay for Brutal Legend is a mix between a hack and slash and a Real time Strategy and it worked out quite well at time and most of the time you wish the game just was a hack and slash or just a RTS but you get both and the game starts of as a hack and slash then after about a couple of hours playing then the game turns in to a RTS while you can still play the game like an hack and slash but you can't do everything with out your army of head banger's, bouncer's, roadie's and slasher's or groupie's what ever the group is called I forget sorry, cause you need that army to take down certain things on the battlefield like the merchandise booth and the other enemies stage in order to win the stage battle and those booth's are very crucial for the battle cause if do not a booth on your side then you don't get the fans so you can't recruit some more headbanger's and/or upgrade your stage so you summon your more powerful minions. Now with this game having a mix gameplay style between the two genre's like action and RTS the game can and does get little repetitive at time's and can find the game a little boring at time's as well. The campaign for this game is great and the story great and fun but it is short the story will last you about 6 or 7 hours it is not that long at all but it is still fun. So in short for the single player even though it is short, but fun and it has a great mix of gameplay between a hack & slash and RTS which worked quite well at times except for some minor hiccups with mechanic's of the game, but this game still fun.

The multiplayer is pretty straight forward pick a group to use and pick a game mode that allow's you to either play against the A.I or another player if their is someone on to play with and their is hardly anyone on and you can play the on-line with people on your team and against someone and their team but their not too many people playing this game on-line so if you find a match or get one together it can be quite fun. So in short the on-line is some what dead their are some people playing but not a lot at all.

So the overall point for Brutal Legend and that is it has a great visual art style, amazing audio which includes a great sound track and great voice work and decent gameplay style that is fun and can be repetitive at time's and this game is worth checking out and you know what the best thing is about this is that you can find this game for about $10 dollar's at most retail stores and you find for a few dollars cheaper on-line, so this game is worth picking up if you like hack & slash's and RTS then this game gives you both worlds fro you to play and it does have multiplayer and you might find a match. So go check thi game out.

8.0 out of 10