Easily the worst game I've played - And I've played Mary Kate and Ashley!!!

User Rating: 1.9 | Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2 PS2
And that's no lie - I loved CDH1. LOVED! My first mistake - assuming a sequel would at worst copy the original and give me elephants to kill. When I read the back of this game, I was so thrilled I couldn't wait to get it home and try it. Now I want my 3 hours and my 20 bucks back!! The premise of the game - find your hunting friend by running through the woods with random guys and killing creatures which have nothing better to do than give their life trying to kill you. Then we hit the Van Damm plot of "Oh no, poachers!". That somehow morphs into "Kill the evil bear that killed your friend before the poachers do!!" I wish I was kidding, really I do. And the worst part - you only get to shoot the elephants with tranquilizers! Shoot them more than once and you 'die'. I didn't buy a HUNTING game to freaking shoot something with a tranquilizer dart!!!!! Anyways...

Before you risk falling into the same trap, let's play 'fantasy' and 'reality' with the actual 'selling points' on the back of the game- -

1. 20 ferocious animals - La-di-freaking-da. CDH 1 had 27.
2. 12 exotic locations - CH1 had that many plus 2 areas per location plus seasons plus... you get the idea.
3. Global hunting - Implied in #2, I'm sure they're just filling space.
4. Guided hunts - Sure, if by "guide" you mean "follow some random guy on a path through a cheesy story and keep him from being killed" No exaggeration there.
5. Long Range Hunting - WHAT?? Where? Oh, they must mean the one time in the helicopter you get to snipe animals. Other than that I rarely shot from greater than 3 yards. And that's not bad since the animals appear at 5 yards or so.
6. Short Range Hunting - No $%&^ Sherlock.
7. Helicopter Hunts - Score one for the game. This is decently cool. The game kinda loses a point right away though because you have to play through other fluff just to get back to it.
8. Face-to-Face encounters - I get the feeling the marketing department knew they had approximately zilch to work with here. Read: Animals constantly jumping into your face.
9. Traps - Selling point...how? Apparently people like trying to trap animals on the middle of the road. Oh yea, and the animals can run right over the trap. Pfft, figures.
10. Boss animals - Read: Animals that take obscene numbers of bullets before going down. Run around in a circle and keep pumping it full of lead. Of COURSE a polar bear can absorb 30 high-powered rifle shots, what are you talking about?
11. Secret Levels - Yea, levels that CDH1 just gave to you. Such as this new concept - hunting! But no little red dot, no calls, you just get to try and track it down and shoot it in the back.
12. And much, much more! - Ok, well, they do have the 'credits' screen. And you get to find stumps in every level. One more point gained - they have a 'slow motion' button. You can use it as much as you want, so basically it takes the game from 'moderately easy' to ' you're an idiot if you can't beat this game'. But still, it's nice to get that running shot once in awhile.

Overall, this is the first game that's actually inspired me to write something resembling a hate letter to the manufacturer. They could have just replaced the animals in the last game, kept the same boards and same game play, and I actually would have been LESS disappointed. In this day and age, when we have games that can EASILY surpass 100+ hours of gameplay, there shouldn't be a game designed for adults that runs its options dry in roughly 7 hours. (That's only IF you opt to go through and track down all the stumps. Woo hoo, stump hunting. Hold me back.) Don't waste your money.