If you have a Wii, and you like to shoot things, this is your game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty 3 WII
Call of Duty makes its Nintendo debut with Call of duty 3, it was a good start, but there are things that they need to improve on. And I can tell that the future call of duty games on the Wii will be better.

- Graphics are nice
- Sharp control
- Lots of stuff to shoot

- Somewhat a lack in variety
- Kind of bland

Story: 9/10
World War II, thats it.

Sound: 8/10
Nice sound effects and sound design

Controls: 9/10
Very nice and responsive, the wii aiming system works very well

Difficulty: 6/10
This will prove to be a challenge to most players

Presentation: 7/10
Nice menus, but the load times are a little bit longer than I would have liked.

Graphics: 8/10
In Wii standards, they are very good.

Gameplay: 6/10
Good, but it lacks variety. Although scenery changes, it just seems like you go to one place, shoot stuff, next place, shoot more stuff, and then its done after doing that a couple of times.

"Fun" Factor: 6/10
I didn't have a ton of fun with this one, but it was a good start. They will get better in the future

Should I get it?
If you like First Person Shooters, then you will like this game a lot. If you don't, this won't change your mind