The PSP version of COD is not only too short, but DOES NOT FEEL LIKE A COD GAME

User Rating: 5 | Call of Duty: Roads to Victory PSP
I have played many COD games and have had fun with most of them....except this one. The PSP version of COD is lack luster in its presentation, and does not have much to offer. Things like fighting one on one with soldiers, placing explosives with more than one button, using special artillery, and solid gameplay are absent. I felt like I was playing a plain old arcade shooter. The air levels felt like playing a lame online flash shooter. If there is one COD game that I DON'T recommend, it is roads to victory.

1. Gunplay sticks to the original for the most part.
2. Sound is good
3. Interesting WW2 videos

1. Lots of COD gameplay features not included
2. Gets boring easily
3. Campaign is too short
4. Air levels are few and not done well
5. Little to no extras
6. The amount of game and the fact that it is a COD game, not only makes a joke of the name, but what the PSP can do as well.