Call of Duty 3's single player is weak, but the multiplayer has to be one of the best.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 3 X360
The Call of Duty series is one of the best shooter series out there. They have always had a good single player with an awesome multi player. Call of Duty 3 has a good single player with an awesome multi player, which makes it a good game in a good series.

You are in Normandy, fighting the Nazi's like in most World War 2 games. The game play has not changed a bit from the originals. The only thing different is that you get into these close quarter combat fight scene where you have to mash buttons to kill yur enemy. These are kind of fun, but there are only like nine of them, and they are scripted. Besides that, the gameplay is identical to Call of Duty 2.

This time around, there is no Russian missions. This time, you play as American, British, Polish, and Canadians. The new sides are fun, but they do not replace the Russian missions in Call of Duty 2.

The graphics in Call of Duty 3 look awesome. Character models look great, gun models look great, and the environments look awesome.

The sound is great like in all Call of Duty games. You hear bullets fly by you head, and you hear explosions go off. It really sounds like you are in a battle field.

Call of Duty 3 does have some problems. Some times chairs and stools will float up in the air and fly into walls, and start spinning around. Some times ou comrades hand and faces will stretch out, and they will look like some sort of monster.

Call of Duty 3 has an awesome multi player. It has all the old modes like Team Deathmatch, etc. But it has this new mode called warfare. In warfare you battle over control pints. Except you only go for one at a time, you capture it, and you get a chance t capture another one, but the other team can recapture control points. There are class in this, kind of like in a Battlefield game. Call of Duty 3 has a great multi player that you should give a try.

Over all Call of Duty 3 is a great game with an awesome multi player. You can now get this game for only a few dollars