Intense shooting, fast kills, fast deaths, great visuals, but can be a cheap bastard at times.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare PS3
Call of Duty has proven that it knows what it is doing when it comes to FPS action in WWII settings, however it opted to take on the modern age of warfare with its newest installment......and I am happy as hell they did.

The graphics and fluidity of gameplay is great, the sounds are booming, the online mulitplayer is fantastic, and it really feels like an epic experience while you play the game.

The single-player story is jumpy, and you feel like an inadequate add-on instead of the star for most of the game. You will also die if you don't follow a set path, often by an enemy one-hit killing you after the room has been called cleared (which is completely unforgivable to me.) But those are really the only complaints I have with the game, and most people won't notice it, being as they will solely be playing this game online......and I don't really have any beef with it at all on that front. You have different classes of soldiers to pick from, and the online voice support is in full swing. Although the announcer can be annoying as hell sometimes, expect to hear "UVA ENROUTE" about 900 times in 2 minutes.

Still, fun game, great multi-player, and it is about time you get to use some modern weapons in a FPS of this calibur.