The online play is the best part. But otherwise, a lot of other stuff works well in the game too.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Finest Hour PS2
All I can Say is, This game is pretty fun. I haven't played the campaign much but the Online play is amazing. The Gameplay isn't the most fast paced out of the other Call Of Duty games I know but if you're at least one of those gamers that aren't very picky in terms of consoles and stuff, This game is great for anyone who loved the old-school shooters like Doom, Wolfenstein and Quake. The controls for this game are mostly well put except I still have occasional troubles with the Grenade throwing. Gameplay is not too bad, it may not be as fast but I don't care. Just as long as it's fun. The Game itself is pretty hard though as you get repeatedly shot everywhere you go. (Well almost everywhere) The graphics are actually not half-bad for a PS2 game. If people have a problem with the fact that the enemies disappear after you kill them, deal with it. All in all, COD Finest Hour is a great game even for COD Beginners.