Hi guys, this is my review for Modern Warfare 2, all editions of the game. Find out if the game is all it is meant to be

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 X360
So like always I start of with the Graphics.

GRAPHICS: Ok, this game has all the graphics of he first game plus more, the engine in the game is the same one in the first game but highly immproved, such as smarter enemies able to get smarter each time you play, more AI's on screen with the addition of the most advance Crowd system yet soon to be used in Dead Rising 2. The visuals are awesome, the anti aliasing is incredible on 360 and PC but not quite as good on PS3 unfortunatly but not a big deal. All in all I give graphics a 9.5/10.
SOUND: Now the sound is incredibly incredible, the sounds in this game make you feel like your in a real warzone of terror, the guns are all accurate, the vehicles are perfect, and the voices are the best yet. All in all I give Sound a 10/10


CHARACTERS: (SPOILERS) Now the characters in this game are the most lovable part of the story, you now play as 'Sgt Gary 'Roach' Sanderson part of the the English 141 Task Force, who is training under the returned Cpt 'Soap' MacTavish which is now a highly trained leader. Then of course the favorite character of all... Cpt Price, the one who trained 'Soap' and helps train you in this game, Price is as cool as ever. Then we ave Ghost, the new Gaz of this one, he is just plain cool, the rest has to wait for you to play the game. All in all I give Characters a 10/10.


GAMEPLAY: Now the gameplay in this game is the coolest part, Intense, Innovative, incredible story line and gameplay thats all that needs to be said, you have to buy this game, so if your a fan of the first one, your gonna love this one! All in all I give gameplay a 10/10.

EDITIONS: Ok there are 3 main editions of the game, the standard, the Hardened and the Prestige. So I'll start off with the standard edition, it's the greatest game of all at the moment, ad thats it's it, play it buy have fun. now the Hardened Edition, the hardened edition comes in a custom artwork Steelbook case, containing the Modern Warfare 2 Disc, a collectable artbook of the making process of the game and a code for the Full Call of Duty Classic Game Download, worth the same price as the standard, a great buy if you can still get one. NOW THE ONE WE ALL WANT, the prestige edition, the highest most expensive version of the game, now the Prestige edition comes with the full Hardened Edition of the game including the Call of Duty Classic download, but the unique part in the NVG's (Night Vision Goggles) Infinity Ward have outdone themselves with this, the NVG's are a cool peice of Video Game collectable equipment, which also comes with a Cpt 'Soap' MacTavish sculptured head to display them, and all for $199 in Australia, The Prestige edition is well worth the money for a true gamer and/or collector. All in all a 11/10, yep thats right 11/10.

OVERALL: This is by far one of the best games I have played and beaten this yearm it keeps you immersed in the story, the action and the online gaming. I obviously give thia game a FULL 10/10 TEN OUT OF TEN!!! GAME ON PEOPLE AND HAVE FUN!