People hate on this game too much. But it's still certainly not perfect.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
Review will be done in order
Campaign -----> Multiplayer -----> Specops/survival/ yada yada

First off, I would like to make a comment on the opening cut scene before you hit the start menu, the whole "war... war never changes" thing. Every time I hear that, I want to cry. I honestly want to cry. It's just too cheesy for me. It honestly makes me feel like I'm five years old and that I'm playing a rated E+10 shooter where the blood is just orange juice and the guns are Nerf rifles. Anyways, besides that, I will actually move on to the gameplay.

Secondly, the campaign. Okay, I'm just going to make this short. It was like any other call of duty campaign:

- I feel as if they didn't really try all that hard on producing a very strong story-line. Therefore, the game suffers, for me, like any other call of duty game in terms of a heart-filled campaign where you actually give a whale **** about the characters and what happens to them. - It was also just based around some unclear objectives. (ex: "Okay delta squad, your mission today is to go find bad guys and shoot them because AMERICA **** YEAH."). I'm sorry, I had to.
- Despite the dry objectives, like how the COD series progressed, they always brought some cool "gadgets" in. Such as operating UAVs and ,my personal favorite, the rappel scene in the first Black Ops game, that was freaking awesome.

Secondly, multiplayer. uh........ yeah:

- A great supply of weapons to choose from.
- Saying that, every gun serves a good purpose, and they prove good at different things.
- Customization is really cool, weapon camo and reticles (not as cool as black ops)
- Gun levels was a great idea, however i wish they kept weapon attachments to be unlocked by using OTHER weapon attachments.
- All perks are very useful, probably the best perks I've seen in any call of duty yet.
- BUT THE MAPS ****ING SUCK. How the in the living hell to you expect me to be happy with a sniper rifle if I find a good camping spot that allows me to shoot from long range, if there's a huge freaking **** standing in the middle of a freaking street. And aside from that, if you try and go somewhere else, it's like trying to snipe in a maze. Most of the corridors are too short to snipe in, and , if they are long enough..., THERE'S ALWAYS A HUGE ****ING TANK OR BUSTED HELICOPTER OR SOME **** JUST SITTING THERE IN FRONT OF YOU.
- Also, the maps are all very similar and repetitive. When preparing for a game, i often find myself uncomfortable without the ideal loadout required for the SAME ****ING MAP over and over again.

Survival/spec opps:
- Great addition
- Fun to play with friends, good party mode if you're against screen peekers. - However, not very ideal from a fun multiplayer experience. It gets very boring if you play alone, or even with a random team mate online. I found myself only playing this mode if my friend on psn or xbox live wanted to. That's the only time where i could enjoy myself for a long period of time.
- I enjoy how enemies gradually get harder. Much like zombies.
- Should have been a little more original. However, it was a good competition to zombies in my opinion, but creating a survival mode that could come close to beat zombies is a hard task to accomplish. But Infinity should still do this spec ops idea, and they should always be cranking out new ideas from their ass. Graphics: it's call of duty, what do you expect me to say? That it looks like real life?

Gameplay/controls: Man i need to go to bed... What always drew me, and probably many others to call of duty was the simplicity of the controls. This makes the game easy to obtain a love for it, and easy to recognize what to do at given obstacles. However, it's not unique. And unique makes me hard.... you left me flat MW3. Gameplay is quite smooth. Much like MW2, which is a bit of a deduction in value to me, however... MW2 kicked ass.

Aside from that, I like food. And sleep. I should probably sleep now. Thank you for reading!