The easiest CoD to date. Surprisingly good story but SP is very "been there done that". Co-Op still rocks.

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
What surprised me about MW3 is graphics. Everybody was grumble about how bad this game looks. It looks pretty good. I mean the art style is nothing new and there are not many "WOW" moments, BUT, graphics are pretty solid. Some nice touches like the green fog in Paris, or falling bits of burning papers in NY... Quite nice.

Another thing I did like was writing. Story is actually pretty good. It's maybe because of the main character who is one of my favourite in FPS's but still, the way developers decided to switch between characters across missions to join them at the end... Most FPS's never got even close to that. This is very good Die-Hard-like game. Good stuff.

The last good thing about this game is Co-Op... Man, it never gets boring to kill enemies side by side with a friend. Missions are fun, Survival Mods are ok... Shooting or helping each other... Good stuff. Why is it that so few games offers offline Co-Op and split screen matches? This is very strong "+" for CoD.

However when it comes to the gameplay in SP I was not that satisfied. As I prefer to torture myself with Veteran difficulty I was actually amazed (really. Amazed) how easy this CoD is. I remember MW2 on Vet... Man I got killed so many times. But here? Piece of cake. The only thing you need to do is to get behind cover a lot, as IA usually never reaches you. Sad. Very sad.

Another bad thing: missions. Most of them are MW+MW2 missions. Nothing new. Sure, there are some breath taking moments (3 to be precise), but mainly is the same thing we was playing in MW2, and CoD:BO... This is the biggest issue for me. What I like about exclusives on PS3 is that there are some missions you just want to play again (alone or with friends), but with MW3... You just want it to be finish. And even with a good story, gameplay suffers form repetitiveness and very primitive level design.

In general this game is not as bad as some say, but it's definitely not as good critics say... Metacritic Score of 88?! are you joking? This game is 7 at it's best. Still, for those who like to play on split screen: go ahead. This is the best Co-Op FPS on market.