It was 9.0 but now 8.5 call of duty is fun but i had to buy a new 1 campain is fun but shock that soap dies it was fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 X360
Call of duty is the latest game in the series also with call of duty blacks ops 2 im more of a fan of MW3 dont get me wrong i like black ops 2 but perfer MW3 its my opinion my score of it is 9.0 but has gone down to 8.5 cause of easy cracks muitplayer it fun with new guns infected mode maps.DLC's of old and new maps summary:Fun:I give it a 8 cause with a new campain with high paste acting and new muitplayer modes its a fun game.Length:It has a good amount of episodes for each section i give it a 9.Difficulty that depends on what you chose vertans well verteran first time recruit and normal people normal and people who know what to do harden.Total review i give it great for good campain and good muitplayer and new DLC maps plus new infected mode.Campain is sad when soap died at the end of the story and the good thing is when price killed markrove i cant say it..... you want a mean anyway thats my review on call of duty mondern warfare 3.