not really good!

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PS3
when i heard MW3 coming out i was very excited because when,black ops came out i played it,that was awsome.when i played this,was expecting greatness in the game..but MY WORDS,was i dissapointed.First of all the graphics its 2011 u must have good technology for the graphics compare the graphics with BATTLEFIELD 3 this is pathetic.the gaming engine is rubbish.Honestly it almost the same as MW2,even the multiplayer layout is same.Of course it has some good features.I really liked the some of the features in multiplayer,the campaign is not really boring its good but the story is not good.
this could have been a great call of duty but it just isn't with the bad graphics.gameplay.gaming engines,its not good.I would recommend u to play Battlefield 3.But it still has some call of duty finesse.