Recycled garbage

User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (Vault Edition) PS4


There are no new maps and they literally leveraged everything from both the 2009 MW2 and last year's reboot.

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I can't believe that they actually see fit to charge money for this crap. What's worse, I bought it. I guess I have my own self to blame. After all, COD has fooled me before (looking at you, COD WWII) when I should've thought twice. But this COD MW3 is a real shame — and I mean that as in "shame on you, Activision and Sledgehammer". You went for the bucks and gave us recycled maps and a zombies mode that ruins the DMZ momentum. Bravo.

Save your money and keep playing COD MW2 if you enjoy it. There's nothing new to see here except the disappointing death of a beloved character in the extremely short campaign. I guess I'm glad he's not around to see what a disaster this game has became.