A first person shooter WWII action pack game

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: World at War PS3
Call of Duty: World at War for the Sony Playstation 3 is about the final years of second world war, but in this game you get to play as a U.S. Marine name C. Miller and his Marine soldier attacking the Japanese's Imperial Army and a Russian soldier name Dimitri Petrenko, whom Russian Army are attacking the Germany Nazi army. The gameplay in Call of Duty: World at War is very the same as in Call of Duty 4 as it has the same controller setup, but different story which take place in world war II settings, where you eliminate your enemy to advance by getting to your destination. The graphics of Call of Duty: World at War is very similar to Call of Duty 4 and as some character look weird and awkward when they taking right in you face, The sound in Call of Duty: World at War is great, when you in tight situations and during the campaign mode, you sometime hear that intro zombie theme when you start playing that mode. Overall, Call of Duty: World at War is one great first person shooting game as it has a zombie mode and online co--op for zombie and story mode and a big map for tanks and some world war II weapons, this game is good for friends, who wants to play with each others on story mode or by online, also for other game modes as well.

Gameplay: 8- Same like Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare with tank battles.

Graphics: 8- Same as look as Call of Duty 4, but with WWII clothing and nice environment.

Sound: 9- Great soundtrack, down to the eerie zombie zombie noises.

Value: 9- It has better action like Call of Duty 4 and plays the same as well, newer mode like Nazi Zombie mode, where you can play 4 co-ops also on story mode.