Cave Story is masterpiece that will make you wonder why all games aren't made with such prestige and care.

User Rating: 10 | Doukutsu Monogatari PC
Indie games really don't get as much recognition as they should. Sure Braid did because the creator poured nearly $200,000 dollars into the project, and because it was released on the Xbox 360. But games like Cave Story? Chances are most gamers will never hear of them and continue to play their Call of Dutys and their Halos. It is a real shame that out of all the Indie games out there, Cave Story is left in the dust. Cave Story is a masterpiece that will make you happy to be a gamer.

In Cave Story, the Main character awakes in a Cave, unaware of where he is and who he is. He soon finds himself in the Mimiga village, a village inhabited by Mimigas. Most of the Mimigas however have been taken away by a villain going by the name of "The Doctor". Now it is up to you to learn about your past and stop the Doctor.

The Cave Story plot is simply amazing, and it really is hard to explain though without spoiling it, there are many interesting plot twists and characters with great personality. The dialogue is also written very well, it has a certain style that will make you love it. If the games amazing story doesn't hook you to the game, the gameplay sure will.

Cave Story is an 8-bit action platformer similar to that or Metroid or Castlevania. You run, gun and platform around the Cave Story world. The gameplay emphasizes on upgrading guns, something that takes some getting used to, but once you do, you will like it. Each gun has 3 levels, and the higher the level, the more damage done. In order to level up you need to collect yellow experience triangles that drop from fallen enemies. However, if you are hit, you loose exp and possibly will go down a level. The gameplay isn't really anything new, but it is fun to play.

Like I said the graphics in Cave Story are 8-bit, so if you aren't a fan of more "retro" styled games then you are going to have an Issue with cave story. While it is in 8-bit, its the art style that really makes it all special, characters look great, and everything is stylized in a way that you will really like. Level design is great and bosses are simply epic at times. Point is, its a pleasure to look at Cave Story.

The music in Cave Story is amazing, there isnt a single bad track in the game. Every track is catchy, cool and sets a good mood for each area and fight. The games music is so good that a team of people remixed it all in honor of the amazing tracks. This is music that you will go out of your way to listen to again and again. As far as sound effects go, everything sounds great, death crys, shooting, etc.

Cave Story is a free game, which is even more of a reason you should just go on down to google and download it. It isnt even that big and I am sure almost anyone's computer can handle it. There is also a mac version out there.

Now I have given Cave Story a 10, but that does not mean the game is perfect, it just means it is very very close. The game has a couple flaws, for example, depending on the route you take and the way that you play, the game can be very difficult, almost so that you may not finish it. Which is why I advise a guide to play it, especially if you are going for the "good ending". Getting the good ending is extremely hard, especially the "Real final level". However, playing with a guide ruins the need for a immediate second playthrough, getting the better weapons in the game and the hidden items and easter eggs are the only reason to replay the game immediately.

Cave Story is simply amazing, and I know I have said that in almost every paragraph of this review but it is true. It has a amazing plot, amazing gameplay, great 8-bit graphics and amazing music. Honestly, download this game right now, because it is a masterpiece that you will never experience anywhere else.