I'd happily pay cash for this game. I don't even need to do that!

User Rating: 9.5 | Doukutsu Monogatari PC
When I first found out Cave Story wasn't some game by Sierra, I instantly downloaded it. How did that work out?

Graphics: 8/10

Aimed at looking retro, The Graphics are full of personality and charm.

Story: 10/10

Cave Story has one of the most insane story lines ever. The Story isn't important, but damn is it good.

Gameplay: 10/10

Cave Story's gameplay is really fun. I love jumping around like a wackjob trying to shoot things you disovered weren't shootable a hour later.

Music: 10/10

The music always fits the Scene. Sad? Sad Music. Happy? Happy music. No more Sad Scene-Happy Music moments. The Music is one of the best I ever heard in a Video game. Considering video games is all I do all day, that's saying something.

Controls: 9/10

The controls will make you feel like your playing on a emulator, going with the retro theme.

Replay Value: 8/10

Multiple endings. Easter Eggs. Multiple paths and so on.

So, in conclusion, Cave Story is incredible fun and exciting. TRY IT. NOW. I ORDER YOU.